Lollipop Chainsaw has a new trailer

TastyWhale May 14, 2012 0

This one introduces her sisters, a younger and an older. Both Vally-girls as well.I’m excited for this. Suda 51, campy over-the-top story, action, plot and characters, plus playing as a slutty Barbie or 3.

Lollipop Chainsaw Sisters Trailer Due to CW silliness, you’ll have to hit the link to view the video.

Oh, man, over the top lines like “We all wear our vaginas proudly” and “your boyfriend is a decapitated head, fuck me that is the coolest thing ever!” I’ll enjoy this for reasons other than furthering quite a few blonde/women tropes and pot…entially being perceieved as misogynistic. I honestly think that it will just be the creators embracing the outlandishness of the whole situation, similar to Bayonetta. Expect a review. Or several, if TW has differening oppinions…

Lollipop Chainsaw coverart, coming to PS3 and 360

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