Comic – Con: Halo 4:Forward Unto Dawn Trailer

Derek Diel July 12, 2012 0

Halo 4: forward unto dawn

For years the idea of doing a live action Halo film has been tossed in and out of production and every time something comes up, it ends up getting scrapped. Live action trailers can only hold us hardcore Halo fans over for so long. Eventually we need something that shows at least that Hollywood is somewhat interested in really making this happen. So what we get is this. Halo 4: Forward Unto Dawn is a live action web series that is supposed to “set the stage” for the launch of the Halo 4 game on Nov. 6th.


At SDCC today, 343 industries and Microsoft revealed a 3- minute long trailer for the upcoming series which will be distributed via Machinima on their new channel Machinima Prime, and on Halo Waypoint starting Oct. 5th. Hopefully this will be a healthy injection of stimulus you need to tie you over until the games release. Hopefully we will have a chance to check out the game first hand this year in Seattle at PAX Prime 2012!


But for now here is the trailer that debuted today!




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