Keep Your Eye On: Injustice: Gods Among Us

Derek Diel July 16, 2012 2

I am so busy these days its hard to play all of the game I would like to all the way through. I recently had the chance to play some of the awesome Mortal Kombat 9 and as you all already know, ITS AMAZING! Its just so badass and brutal and just good bloody fun especially with the revamped and beautiful graphics. Though I love all of the characters in that universe a great deal, what would I like to see even more? How about DC characters beating the shit out of each other. Yes please!!

Back at the end of May NetherRealms, who created MK, announced a game titled Injustice: Gods Among Us. In this game you get to choose from a variety of your favorite DC heroes and get to really see who is the strongest in a fight for their lives. Now we have gotten to play as some of these people before but not like this. Each character has comes loaded with their individual iconic move set that will really add to  the feeling that you are really playing as a member of the JLA. I just can’t wait to finally fight head to head, Superman vs. Batman in HD.

So far the confirmed character list is as follows:

Harley Quinn
Solomon Grundy
Wonder Woman

Though the game does not have an actual release date yet, we are seeing it as a quarter one 2013 release.

Can’t wait to play it at PAX!


  1. Derek Diel July 18, 2012 at 9:01 pm -

    Yes! Fighting games are totally making a big impact on the industry right now. I think it has a lot to do with MK9 massive success last year. I mean they have always been around but never been juggernauts.

    I also think that NeatherRealms are taking a much more serious and dark approach to this game which just makes it more exciting. The dark and brutal way is a different side of these characters that we have not had the chance to actually interact with.

  2. Billy Wellen July 16, 2012 at 10:41 pm -

    We had MK vs DC a while back, and didn’t that get panned because they made it TEEN?
    Any reason why this one would be better?
    And does it seem like there is a fighting game Renaissance happening?

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