Total Screen Recorder Review

TastyWhale October 22, 2012 0

I needed some software to record gameplay videos for reviews.  But what to use?  I stumbled upon “Total Screen Recorder” (TSR for short) and “Screencast-O-Matic” (Screencast for short).  Looking over these two, I realized that Screencast had limitations such as a watermark, no audio, and limited record times (15 minutes).

Here is a video overview of it, just showing the video quality of basic desktop use and me nit-picking some spelling on their website :). 

TSRG Overview, if you couldn’t tell.

Now, this isn’t a full on “I’ve tested every screen cap thingie ever!!”, mostly a quick review of TSR.  I haven’t tried FRAPS, I haven’t used a Roxio Game Capture HD Pro (but hint hint, I’d totally review that!). 

TSR seems simple enough anyone can use it without a steep investment.  Either pay a onetime fee of $25-$30 (depending on the version purchased, see image below) or even just do a review of it and they’ll send you a free key (just so we are clear, I’m opting to get the free key).TSRGprices

There are three versions of TSR:

  • Standard $24.95, will record to AVI or WMV
  • Flash $24.95, will record to SWF or FLV
  • Gold $29.95, will record to all of the above formats


Bulk discounts, but meh, I’m a dude and only need one copy.

Anyways, upon first starting it up this warning about hardware acceleration pops up.  It didn’t actually affect me (as long as I wasn’t recording in fullscreen), so I was able to ignore it.


Then bam, every time I open it this little tip box appears.  Totally useful!  A user can easily uncheck the box and these tips won’t appear.



And finally, what the actual tool looks like.  Very simple and straight forward!


Either select View>Options or rightclick on the row you want to modify and you’ll be taken to a very easy to use toolbox.  I liked it.  Easy to modify, straight forward, no issues I’ve encountered.



Overall I’m happy with TSR.  Can record my screen!  Doesn’t eat my RAM or proc!  No known spyware/trojans etc!

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