Run-Free is the marathon for the everyman

TastyWhale November 4, 2012 3

This free-form marathon is for anyone to enter. Best of all, you can complete it no matter your location or preferred locomotion-style! Sure you can run, but why not skip? Why just go on flat ground when you can vault over fiery logs?

John is rad

This February 2nd go out and join in on the fun. Details can be found at

Totally stoked, yo!


Ahh, you were interested enough to scroll down. Good job! Wanna know a secret? This marathon isn’t actually happening. The fine people at have decided to conduct a simple social experiment in creating fake evidence to create an event that never happened, and they need your help.

“How?” you ask. Well, by joining in an impractical joke. If you want to good-naturedly test the new-adage “Pics or it didn’t happen” join this massive group-troll.

Follow this link to see how you can get “evidence” and help out: Run-Free Kickstarter.

My one query: why isn’t it on April 1st instead of February 2nd?


  1. SaintLawl February 1, 2013 at 8:54 pm -

    Well shit, that was awesome, i was hoping to get cool swag.

  2. Billy Wellen November 5, 2012 at 7:51 am -

    Ding Ding Ding you are the 50th comment! Woo!

  3. Stitchy506 November 4, 2012 at 7:20 pm -

    Agreed, the date is a little weird. Cool idea though!

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