Brandon Bowlby’s Top 10 Films of 2012

TastyWhale February 5, 2013 0

A friend of TW wrote this and we stole it!

This year was one of my best years in watching films. I saw more current movies then in any previous year. My explanations are short and brief but I hope it gives you an idea of my thoughts. Enjoy the list and my wish is that it inspires some of you to go out and view them out on your own time.

Honorable Mentions:

15. The Impossible

14. Argo

13. The Perks of Being a Wallflower

12. The Master

11. The Cabin in the Woods

The List:

10. Les Misérables

A somewhat personal choice for me. This film demonstrated a lot of change for me in my enjoyment of live theater. Something that will continue to develop and change in me throughout my life as I learn more. However, Les Mis had many outstanding aspects about it. From Anne Hathaway’s incredible I Dreamed a Dream, to the beautiful conclusion in the church, Les Mis deserves my #10 spot.

9. Safety Not Guaranteed

I connected a lot with this film. Having it set in Seattle, staring two of my favorite actors from current sitcoms I love. (New Girls, Parks and Rec) Not to mention my brother as a crew for the entire production of the film. All this aside, Safety Not Guaranteed was an extremely well written and passed movie that used an unexpected plot. It was an extremely fun and unique story.

8. Amour

This film wears you down. Just like what is happening to the main character. It puts your right in his shoes and lets you feel all they are feeling. It is a simple and quiet film but the emotion and depth is always very present.

7. Moonrise Kingdom

Wes Anderson is one of my all-time favorite directors. With Moonrise Kingdom he stripped back everything. Small budget, small story, small setting, small characters. This provides us with something unexpected from his normal take to storytelling. Though like always, the humor and charm poured into this film are in every shot.

6. Silver Linings Playbook

A very unique take on what could have been an overdramatic typical chick flick. By playing this film very smart and using unseen before characters and plot points, Silver Linings is able to present us with one of the most enjoyable and honest films of 2012.

5. Django Unchained

Tarantino has not lost it one bit. His perfect track record continues on and we are able to look forward to each new film with anticipating confidence. Django is another addition to his stylized, dialogue driven, abrupt-action, comical, joy rides that we have all grown to love so much and respect from this talented filmmaker.

4. Lincoln

Steven Spielberg’s best film since Munich. Regardless of its rocky conclusion, this film was able to present an unexpectedly small story during Lincoln’s large important life. By narrowing its focus, Lincoln gave us a detailed interpretation in an important part of our history. Incredible score, cinematography, acting, and directing gave this an all-around full package.

3. Anna Karenina

Like a beautiful painting you can just sit back and watch its beauty unfold. Anna Karenina was a huge surprise. Every moment was incredibly meticulous and well thought out. Hands down the most gorgeous film of 2012.

2. Zero Dark Thirty

This film shocked me. My heart was pounding and tears were falling out my eyes as it neared its end. The journey this film takes you on is relentless, and it allows you to feel every moment of the main characters journey.

1. Beasts of the Southern Wild

The best film of 2012. Its incredibly imaginative and unique story allowed it to rise up above the others. No other film this year was able to capture the magic brought out by Quvenzhané Wallis’ performance. Her narrations were brilliantly written. The score was tremendous. And the ending of this film left me inspired.

A friend of TW wrote this and we stole it! Thanks Brandon!

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