Loot Crate #2 April shipment: Token review and unboxing

TastyWhale May 1, 2013 1

My second month as a Loot Crate recipient. It is like getting a present from yourself! (which is how I justify my Amazon purchases).

This one seems to be arcade themed (“Token” in the title wasn’t a derogatory term). Cute stuff in here, plus, I have kitty assistants!

If you want to sign-up, go to LootCrate.com.
Sign up for their newsletter and you’ll get a discount!

(just so we are square, that link is a referral link and I will get a discount/extra months for all referrals. If you don’t want that, just go type in the address above)

One Comment »

  1. Paris Chavez May 1, 2013 at 3:18 pm -

    Feels like the start of being a hoarder…

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