10 step guide to liking IPAs and Imperial IPAs

James Killgore January 2, 2013 0

Step 2: Elysian Immortal IPA

ABV: 6.3%

IBUs: 54

When I first started getting into IPAs, this was my go to brew.  Immortal is still on the lighter side, but a little more bitter than Long Hammer.  Immortal has a nice malty back with a smooth bitter finish.  The balance here is quite excellent for IPA beginners.  I swear, I used to go to the Tangle Town Elysian outfit and fill a growler with this stuff every Friday night.  It rarely saw Saturday morning…  Immortal has great balance and pretty good flavor, while being light enough to drink while grilling up BBQ steaks on a hot summer day.  What’s also great about this beer is that it has no citrus flavor.  Citrus flavor can be good sometimes, but the problem with citrus flavor is it can supercede the real flavor of the beer. IPA’s are designed to showcase the hops while having enough malty body to keep the bitterness in check.  If done properly, citrus and fruit flavors can play into this mantra, but typically IPA’s are better off without it in my opinion.

At this point in the process, make sure you begin to smell your beer as well as taste it.  I know, it probably looks a little weird, but it doesn’t have to be obvious.  When you go to take a drink of your beer, just breath in through your nose.  You should get a light aroma of fresh crisp hops, with a touch of warm malt as well.

You can get Immortal in 22oz bottles, 6 packs of 12 oz bottles, and 64 oz growlers (filled at the brewery).  I can’t remember how much they are, but I do know that they are relatively inexpensive due to their simplicity and lower hop quantity.

Once your quest is over, if you have found an enjoyment of IPAs, keep tabs on the Elysian Manic IPA Series.  Every 3 months or so they release a new IPA and so far they have been pretty superb.


Go to Safeway or Albertsons and buy two 22oz bottles.  Drink one on a Friday when you are at a friends house, and the other on Sunday when you are winding down the weekend.  The 22s of Immortal are like everywhere, not hard to find at all.  You can get the 6 pack at a few places, I know Wine World and Central Market carry them, off the top of my head.

Next time you are at a football or baseball game in Seattle, head over to the Elysian Fields and enjoy a pint of Immortal off the tap.  If you are feeling brave, ask if they have the BiFrost available.  Have your wits about you though, that shit will wreck you.  Truffle fries, nuff said.

If you are ever near Greenlake swing by their Tangle Town location.  It is like one fiftieth the size of Elysian Fields, which makes it a much more intimate setting.   Great place to hang out and have a cold one.

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