10 step guide to liking IPAs and Imperial IPAs

James Killgore January 2, 2013 0

Step 5: Snoqualmie Falls Wildcat IPA

ABV: 6.6%

IBUs: 75

Half way done.  After this you will officially be in double IPA land, which is so stupid its awesome.  I specifically placed Wildcat here in the line up because of how it compares to Racer 5.  If you take a look at the stats Wildcat and Racer 5 have the same IBUs (bitterness).  However, they have different alcohol percentages which means one will be maltier than the other.  When you drink Wildcat against Racer 5 you will instantly taste a blast of hop flavor.  While Racer 5 balanced out the hops with a little more malt, Wildcat puts things a little more on tilt by giving you a nice hop hit right up front.  Has a similar crispness as the Racer 5 as well, which in my opinion is signature Northwest IPA style.

While Wildcat is a little off balance, it still has a nice maltiness that holds the bitterness at bay just enough to keep you coming back for more.   One of the things I love most about this beer is the aroma.  Fresh pine trees after a spring rain shower.  Ugh…. so good.


You can get this beer at a few stores.  I have seen it predominantly at Albertsons in 22 oz bombers. I think this one goes for about 6 dollars.

Buy a bottle or two and drink this one chilled.  When this beer gets warm, it gets more bitter.  Drink it in the evening while vegging out, or in the afternoon while making lunch.  Try this one back to back with Racer 5 and make notes of the differences and similarities.

Grab a group of friends and head down to North Lake Pizza in the U District.  Get a pitcher of Wildcat off the tap, and get the meat lovers pizza.  You will literally melt into your booth.  The beer and the pizza will leave you so satisfied you’ll never want to leave.

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